less than 1 minute read

Update: I’m no longer using the project-beta-automations Action, I’m now using the add-to-project Action instead as it’s a bit more user friendly and fully supported by GitHub.

Another update: I am now using the ProjectV2 as ProjectNext has several deprecated fields.

Sorry about the lack of details in this blog post, it’s a busy week. Basically, I was trying to use the project-beta-automations GitHub Action, but one of the parameters needed is the project_id, which is not in the URL. This post explains how to find your project ID.

Navigate over to the GitHub GraphQL Explorer and run the following query:

  organization(login: "stevemarlabs") {
    projectsV2(first: 100) {
      edges {
        node {

The result will be a list of projects that match the query string. The ID will be included in each entry.

  "data": {
    "organization": {
      "login": "stevemarlabs",
      "projectsV2": {
        "edges": [
            "node": {
              "id": "PVT_1234567890",
              "title": "cool project"

That’s it!
