@ WorkPermalink

Hi! I’m currently employed by Equinix as a Director of Developer Advocacy. We focus on all things bare metal, multi-cloud, and really funky networking bits! Previously, I did a quick stint at Shopify as a Developer Advocate, and before that, I spent quite a few years at IBM. While at IBM, I had become a Senior Technical Staff Member (STSM) and Program Director. I had numerous roles while at Big Blue, the last was focused on delivering developer advocacy content related to cloud, containers, and artificial intelligence technologies. Prior to that I worked on the OpenStack project; internal tools for generating compatability reports across IBM products; and developing WebSphere Application Server’s configuration tools.

@ HomePermalink

I live in Toronto with my wonderful wife and three adorable kids. I enjoy watching whatever is the popular movie or television show at the time, I have a soft spot for the MCU. My reading preferences range from non-fiction, to trivia, to sci-fi and fantasy. Lately I’ve been into podcasts about history.

Open SourcePermalink

Open Source Software (OSS) holds a special place in my heart. The 5 years I spent working on the OpenStack project (from 2012 to 2017) with some of the world’s best open source contributors was the most impactful years of my professional career.

In 2015 I served as the Project Team Lead (PTL) on OpenStack’s Identity, Authentication and Authorization service, code named Keystone, an elected position that was maintained for 18 months (three terms). I mostly focused on enabling Keystone to better integrate into enterprise environments. Namely, I was also responsible for helping to add Federated Identity support and OAuth support to Keystone.

In 2016 I served a 12 month term on OpenStack’s Technical Committee, which provides technical leadership for OpenStack as a whole, an ultimate appeals board for technical decisions and general oversight. I was also a frequent contributor to the OpenStackClient project, a command-line client for OpenStack that brings OpenStack APIs together into a single CLI.

Today, my open source activity is not as prominent. These days I help co-maintain the IBM Github Organization, an organization spanning thousands of repos and users. I also talk about IBM’s approach to Open Source both internally and at local meet-ups.