IBM Cloud Essentials
This course introduces you to the IBM Cloud. You will learn about the many offerings and services on IBM Cloud that make it the most open and secure public cloud for developers and enterprises.
Identity, Authentication, and Access Management in OpenStack
Whether the cloud is private, public, or dedicated, access to cloud resources and security is essential. This practical guide to using Keystone provides detailed, step-by-step guidance to creating a secure cloud environment with OpenStack.
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Posts about the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service
GitHub Action to deploy to IBM Kubernetes service
A walkthrough of the code and infrastructure needed to use GitHub Actions and IKS.
An overview of IBM Cloud Satellite
Motivations for moving to a distributed cloud and a new way to get started with it.
Adventures with the IBM Kubernetes Service
Lessons learned from my trials and tribulations using IBM’s Kubenetes service.
Posts about career and life
New IBM Cloud Essentials course is available
Read the details about the IBM Cloud Essentials course that I created.
5 things to include when writing results
Make those end of year reports less painful by remembering to include these 5 things.
Create a spookily simple web app in a few minutes
Made with the help of my four year old son.
Posts about IBM products
Connect to IBM's LDAP, Bluepages, with Python
The least amount of Python you need to write to connect to IBM’s LDAP – Bluepages
Install DataStage and Information Server
My notes for installing IIS on RHEL